Donall Gannon F.C.A.


Donall Gannon is the non-Executive Chairman of Kestrel Capital with over 30 years in financial services.

Donall was an Inspector of Taxes in the Irish Revenue and subsequently spent over 30 years in large international professional advisory firms including the period 1993 to 2014 as a partner in KPMG. During that time he advised and assisted individuals, family businesses, corporate bodies and charities on various financial matters. In particular on their taxation affairs, generational aspects and wealth preservation. As well as being the principal in his own strategic business advisory firm, Donall holds a number of non-executive directorships within a group currently engaged in certain property related activities in the UK and Ireland. He has for over 20 years provided commentary on the Irish Budget and related fiscal matters to RTE (Ireland’s national public-service media organisation).